There is so much SEX in society today. It is flashed and flaunted and pushed on us every day. I’m not here to say this is or isn’t right or wrong, but rather, that to say I think what it has done to we women and our self images is horrifying.
I have some amazingly beautiful female friends and they come in all shapes and sizes. One thing we do share, despite our varying waist lines and cup sizes and leg lengths, is a negative feeling of self worth and a strong urge to be ‘better’ looking. All of us have felt these ugly feelings at one point or another, myself included.
Whyyyyy, women?! You are beautiful! I don’t care if your tummy is squishy or your boobs are tiny or your legs are thicker than hers, and neither does he! But Society tells us we need to be smaller, bigger, longer, tighter, this-er, that-er. So we feel this unquenchable feeling of inferiority.
Consequently, it has become a passion of mine to showcase the beauty of the female spirit, the feminine figure and each woman’s own sensuality. I have embarked on a new business venture to make manifest this enthusiasm for true beauty because I want every woman to feel what she should feel; every woman should feel comfortable in her own skin and proud of her reflection in the mirror.
We’re turning off the ‘sex’ that Society sells, and choosing to see ourselves in the lovely light that shines on us every day. Let’s begin with her lovely images and my photography focused on sensual portraiture…
Make Up Artist: Cynthia Rodriguez
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