So Hannah’s one of those girls they tell old wives’ tales about and make movies to mock…the always a bridesmaid never a bride tale, the funny chick flick you can’t help but cozy up on the couch to consume with your girlfriends, snacks and sweats in tow. Her stories are lighthearted and entertaining and make you wonder if life can really be that simple and complex and wonderful and progressive all in one. The more I get to know Hannah, the more I realize it can.
You see, Hannah’s the type of person that believes in The Good. She’s the type of person who knows what she believes in, values her beliefs, and isn’t afraid to stand firm in them. I feel like that simplifies a lot. The complexity of life can be boiled down to a life of wonder and positive progress if your head and heart are in the right place. And Hannah’s are. And she never stops having fun with it.
I also feel like that makes for a solid and quality friend. It’s no wonder that she’s stood by 11 of hers in their weddings…and has 11 hideous bridesmaid dresses to show for it. But even with a closet packed full of clothes (mostly cute ones that she picked out herself!), a fast and fun paid-off car, food in her belly and love in her heart, she still felt a need for more. To do more.
So when she came to believe that her life and her work here in California weren’t contributing as much as she felt they could, she decided to make a change. Make a move. A move where she’s given up her life here in the States and has relocated to Honduras in Central America, working to move central herself. She’ll work for 7 months with no pay, nursing in a clinic near Ceiba, subjecting herself to disease and disorder she’s never seen…
To commemorate her departure from life as she knew it, she wanted to do a trash the dress session with some of her hideous bridesmaid gowns. So I scooted up to Santa Cruz a few weeks ago and shot with her all day. It was fantastic. It was like running free. It was everything that Hannah is right now, was, and is to be.
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Robb Davidson - WOW these are so good! I love the locations here, and obviously everything within. Well captured!!
Liz H. - Seriously Jackie…these could be my fav photos yet. And you know how much I love all your pics. Great job as always!
Magic - What a blast! The fun idea created some timeless pics! I would be curious how the bridal party looked in the yellow dresses! 😉