Orange Boudoir Photography | Brandi | Barely There

Brandi’s the type of woman who doesn’t back down when she knows she’s right.

Brandi’s the type of woman who’s vision sometimes gets cloudy, but she never stops trying to focus.

Brandi’s the type of woman that constantly seeks.

Brandi’s the type of woman who constantly grows.

Brandi’s the type of woman that looks at herself in the mirror, admits her faults, and still holds her head high as she walks down the street.

Brandi’s the type of woman who knows who she is, even if she doesn’t really know.

Brandi’s the type of woman who gives and gives, even when her own cup is low.

Brandi’s the type of woman who sees life and all of its lights and darks, and paints all the colors of its rainbow onto its every page, even when she’s wearing black.

Brandi’s the type of woman who looks for the good.

Brandi’s the type of woman who reveals herself slowly…and I’m so thankful for all that she’s already shown me…

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orange county boudoir photographyPINME

orange county boudoir photographyPINME

orange county boudoir photographyPINME

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Thanks for hiring me and trusting me with this shoot, Brandi. It was so fun, obviously, but it’s been even more fun to getting know you before and after… 😉

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  • September 10, 2010 - 6:48 am

    Ceci Guasti - Beautiful Brandi!! These are amazing pictures, you ladies did great.Thanks for sharing these.

  • September 10, 2010 - 10:38 am

    Liz - Beautiful. Get it Brandi!

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