Fun Photos | Lovatomercial in Long Beach

When someone comes to me and says ‘I want to do some fun photos,’ my heart skips and my mind races free in a warm field below spring mountains and a blue sky. Yes, that really happens. I’m kind of a dork about creative photography like that.

So naturally when Michael said he needed professional headshots, but also wanted to do some fun photos, the above happened in conjunction with an excited squeal. Michael has mad style and is rad to be around because he’s got this energy that unfolds gently but leaves you enlivened in the most effortless way. I knew creative photo awesomeness was about to commence.

We grabbed a few head shots for his job then set off running through a field around his place in Long Beach. Michael’s (amazing) style + (contagious) energy + my instrument usage = Lovatomercial material. And yes, thanks to Michael, that’s absolutely a word.


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