Fun Engagement Photos
When I asked Bree and Tim what kinds of activities they like to do for fun, Tim quipped, ‘I don’t know, there’s just so much room for activities!’ I liked him immediately.
They are definitely an active pair, playing on the same softball team, working out together, going to the river together, play frisbee on the sand together and anything that involves being silly and having fun. Which for Bree and Tim, happens just about everywhere they go. Their energy is bright and contagious and it made the gloomy day we got together for their engagement pictures just glow.
That’s what happens with people like Bree and Tim though; they just light up every room they enter and brighten every hilltop they climb. I’m so looking forward to shooting their wedding this weekend at the Rancho Santa Margarita Lake. They’re gonna dazzle that sucker up good.