If you’re wondering how I got that bruise on my knee, no, it’s not because my boyfriend beats me. It is not due to my involvement in a crazy tickle monster wrestle match. And it is definitely not because I was on my knees giving a Brazilian blow out to my dog.
Though these things are likely to happen from time to time (the beating in pizza eating contests only, otherwise I’m a winner), no, that bruise on my knee this week is because I got down and dirty with a fantastic engagement portrait session last week. Jessica and James wanted a portion of their engagement pictures to be rustic and out in the wilderness. And hey, when the wilderness calls, Jackie answers.
Aaaaand Jackie also bruises easily. So sorry Wednesday, didn’t mean to flash you an ugly knee with that skirt I wore. I’ll keep my pants on the rest o the week.
More from this sesh soon!
Super big up to the lovely Lauren and the JL-Photographers team for helping with the behind the scenes awesomeness of this sesh. You’re awes, Boom.
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Chadley Drummond - Such a softy Jackie.