Lovato Images is trying to get more people to sign up for the Picture of the Every Couple of Days and we could use your help!
Tell your friends about the Picture of the Every Couple of Days and for every friend that signs up, you’ll get entered into a drawing to win a free photo shoot! Use your free shoot to update your head shot, get your 2013 family portraits done or give the session as a gift! Just spread the word about the Picture of the Every Couple of Days.
To spread the word, you can:
- tell your friends verbally about how much you enjoy the random images in your inbox
- put a post on Facebook that says how much you like the Picture of the Every Couple of Days and to sign up with this link: http://mad.ly/signups/2234/join
- Tweet it!
- Google+ it!
- add a PIN on your Pinterest board of the image below and share the sign up link in your caption (http://mad.ly/signups/2234/join)
- take an extra step and write an email to a few friends you think would enjoy it!

In advance, THANK YOU. When you share the Lovato Images love, the love of Lovato Images grows (in my own heart and in the hearts of others!). Thank you for your continual awesomeness and support. 🙂 Contest will run three weeks in collaboration with the celebration of all you Aries (and the most important Taurus)! 😉
And if you haven’t already, sign up for the Picture of the Every Couple of Days! It’s an email I send out every couple of days with one image and a few words. It’s a nice refresher for your inbox, aiming only to keep your interest enthused and your inspiration engaged. And if you sign up now you get entered to win a free photo shoot! How groovy is that?!
Ab - You know I’ll help ya any way I can! I just wish I could win a photo shoot lol