Baptisms at Saint Paul’s are typically super awesome. It’s not just cause there’s a cute new member of our community to welcome, not just cause there’s good food and good music and Greek dancing and hugging and kissing and laughing and passing babies and a sense of holy-heck-this-is-a-great-party in a general sort of way…but because it’s Family. It’s Love. It’s a celebration of the most High.
The Tibbs have been in our Family from the beginning, as they sponsored my parents into the church when we converted what seems like eons ago. So I guess, they kinda started this Family for us. Aaaand Andrea and I were friendsies in second grade even before that. So I think all the Love and awesomeness our families share should be attributed to us. 🙂
So Andrea and her husb Derick had their first son, just a few weeks after her older sister Mary and her husb Angelo had theirs. Boy double! Double baptism! Double the fun!
And really the celebration was the most High. I just love it when we bring these little people into our community and we all stand around in support. I love it when our Family multiplies and we welcome the next generation in. I love it when we all come together and celebrate New Life yet again. Welcome Andreas Aggelos Maginas & Nicholas Stephen Fouts!
ps–big thanks to the super awesome Robb Davidson for second shooting with me on this 🙂 always a pleasure working w ya
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