I really enjoyed this family photo shoot with David and Christina. Obviously I have fun wherever I go and I love my job, and working with amazing people is always awesome and rewarding. But this session touched a little sentimental bone in my body and I feel it every time I look back at the images.
Observing David and Christina with their kids reminded me of my parents when they were that young, with us kids so young. It was in the way David tickled Leah with Daniel on his shoulders to make them both laugh. It was how Christina held her little girl above her with total adoration and love. It is a bit of the back story I know on David, and his drive, and seeing it play out as the support in his family life. It is the dedication and commitment Christina has to her husband and kids that sustains them.
It’s what good parents are all about. Yeah, you keep on with your careers and you buy a house and you invest not just with your money but with your time and your relationships and you grow and develop as adults. But it’s all for the kids. It’s all for the family. It’s all about that parental love. I heard it once that when you become a parent, you’re no longer the picture but the frame. That’s totally it.
Good stuff, David and Christina. I’m thankful to know you and thankful for reminders like these that keep me counting my blessings. I’m most thankful for my own parents and for the solid frames they’ve been.