Family Photography in Laguna Beach
I’ve known of the Manneh’s for many years now. How could you not? They sit in the front every Sunday, Mitri serves as an usher, and they’ve got four of the most beautiful kids you ever did see. Noticeable no doubt.
So fast forward to present time and I’ve gotten to know their girls and we’ve loaded up some good memories together, with the biggest and best yet last weekend on Victoria Beach. I met the fab family in Laguna for some family portraits on the sand, and some senior photos of Matthew and Farah. A double (triple? I’m not good at math) session that was loads of fun. I love being a part of people’s family’s for a moment, getting to witness their dynamics and document who they are together. And the Manneh’s are a beautiful group.
How did I get the best job ever??? It’s people like the Manneh’s and kids like theirs that make it so. I just stand there and push a button. 😛