Liz and Moses – Lifestyle Portraits

Liz called me and said she wanted to take some portraits with her poodle. I was immediately obsessed with the job and anxiously awaited its arrival on my calendar.

I have my own poodle. And to say I’m obsessed with her would be 100% accurate according to the dictionary: obsess [uh b-ses] –verb (used with object) 1. to dominate or preoccupy the thoughts, feelings or desires of (a person). –verb (used without object) 2. to think about something unceasingly or persistently; dwell obsessively upon something. My dog is my best friend. I’m with her as much as possible, and when I’m not, I think about her nonstop.

So as my poodle excitement bubbled, I thought about this shoot with Liz and her Moses quite a bit indeed. Then when I met the two of them in Orange on a beautiful cool Saturday morning, my anticipation was warmly satisfied with a perfectly pleasant session with this fabulous young woman and her darling dog.

No seriously, how cute is Moses?! I’m in love with him and I know Chloe would be too. Maybe Liz would be willing to meet up again for a puppy play date…hint, hint…

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lifestyle portraits orange photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

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lifestyle portraits orange photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

lifestyle portraits orange photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

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  • January 26, 2011 - 12:34 pm

    Alison Ritter - Love, love, love, love, love, love them! I may not own a poodle, but love my Boston just the same. As shown by her involvement on my wedding day. 🙂

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