There’s no higher compliment I can receive than a client returning for more Lovato Images love. Well, referrals are pretty friggin awesome compliments too. But repeat business is the best!
So when Michalea hit me up a few months ago about another portrait session for her family, I was stoked! Not only because it affirmed the fact that they love Lovato Images’ work, but also because her family is uh-dorrrrrr-able! I was excited to hang out with her and her sweet boys for awhile.
Look how cute they all are! And all in cute coordinated greenness (my fave color), in Old Towne Orange (my fave OC city, duh)…I was one happy photog camper. The weather was perfect. The light was lovely. The Ehrle’s are awesome. And I’m stoked to think I could work with them again and again.
quick break to pick…
Ehrle man love!
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