Kimberly was a beautiful mother to be and I’m glad she chose to honor this time in her life with some maternity portraits. We met her at Irvine Regional Park with a whole crew to assist: her husband to join, of course, her best friend for make-up and hair, and the godfather to be and another friend to help with their dogs. My awesome assistant and I were stoked on the team! If Kimberly and her husband have that much support for a maternity session, I know their new life with their daughter is going to be stellar. Cause let’s be real people, we all know it takes a village.
Sometimes I feel like I’d be better off with a village here at Lovato Images hq. I could use some help with the make-up hair/department for sure! 😉
Anyway, Kimberly said they never really had engagement portraits so we combined her maternity portraits with an engagement photography feel, so we could include the Mr. right. Enjoy!
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