Warrior Queens

When she told me she wanted to do a maternity photos with her other pregnant friend, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this. That’s Hannah though, dreaming wilder and living freer than most of us could imagine. She’s a passionate woman, and never has it shined brighter than since she’s become a wife and mother. It’s been a joy and honor to witness her love unleash.

I was humbled spending the day with these two mothers. Hannah carrying her second and Emily carrying her third, the two left their littles for some fun photos dressed like the warrior queens they are. If I become a mother someday, I hope to lead with unyielding love and devotion, just like them.



*Photos taken in Davenport, CA.

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  • August 10, 2018 - 7:02 am

    Katherine L McMillen - Wow. So beautiful and powerful

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