You Wonderful Little Box of a Gift

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Sometimes I wonder what the hell I’m doing. I feel so strongly about this and I understand so much about that and I know for sure on this. But what do I really know? What do I really understand? What the hell do all of these feelings really mean?

I’m just a human, I guess. Trying to do and be the best I can be. Really, I do try, every day, to be productive, to do good work, to encourage and support other people. I do try. Sometimes I fail. But I honestly put forth effort every day to be good and do better.

But  I’m not always good enough. I’m not always right. I try and apologize for things I’ve done and said that aren’t good and right. If I haven’t, let me know. I just want to be Good. I’m just a human.

I do know this damn camera that somehow landed in my lap has become the greatest tool I’ve ever known. I’ve used it to connect, to grow, to uplift, to see better and hopefully to help others see better too. Thanks, Camera. You wonderful little box of a gift. You’re the only thing that ever leaves me wondering and Doing in the most amazing ways.

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