I often like to take pictures for fun…

Quite often I get asked to ‘bring a camera along,’ or that I ‘should shoot it,’ when social/fun outings are being planned. I call these outings ‘play’ times. I work a lot. Then I play. Quite often, play dates include a camera. I do after all, have at least one camera body on me AT ALL TIMES. And I often like to take pictures, for FUN.

However, many people don’t realize that photography is my WORK, my JOB, my ONLY support and source of income. Therefore, even when I bring a camera in my purse or have one slung around my neck on some fun play date, when I go back home, to my office, to my desk, it very quickly becomes work again.

This is not to say that I don’t love what I do. I LOVE WHAT I DO! I love wrapping my hands around a camera, I love looking through the viewfinder and framing up a slice of life and creating a compelling composition of a single moment to preserve it forever. I love connecting with people and I love the way that people open up to me through the camera in ways I could have never dreamed up without one. I love creating images that help people see the world as beautiful as I see it. I love the stimulation that imagery brings to my mind, body and soul. I love referrals and inquiries and emails and meetings and projections and planning and invoicing and admin managing and even a little financing (these days, only thanks to my fab book keeper Andie!). I love the entire process of being a photographer and putting it to work through Lovato Images.

But yawl gotta know, it is a lot of work. My daily to-do lists are continually filled with too much to do. My master task list is perpetually plugged with new projects and new goals to get done. I have 100 things to do 100% of the time. And I need to support myself. Financially. And Lovato Images is the only way I do it.

So when I shoot something for fun, please understand that it means something to me. It is important to me. Most often, it is of great value to me. But I need to take care of me first…and that includes a sharp focus on the finances, unfortunately…and that means that the fun play photography most often gets pushed aside.

These cool cats below are one such group of fab friends that understand this about me…and waited forever for a small set of images I shot before one of their shows last year. Late, but worth the wait!

orange portraits www.lovatoimages.comPINME

orange portraits www.lovatoimages.comPINME

orange portraits www.lovatoimages.comPINME

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  • February 10, 2011 - 3:27 pm

    Ian - Cool pic. Can’t wait for the album and west coast tour! Keep on rockin Rooz Dawg!

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