I sit here with my coffee as the morning mists itself outside. The sky is a silver gray, but the morning is bright. My coffee comforts me. The love of my poodle protects me.
I’m another year older today. Another chapter through. I feel stronger than ever today, but know I still have so much to do.
I can’t help but reflect on what I’ve been through as a human the past quarter of a century. I remember shifting my focus from the wall paper to my crib bars when I was a baby. Even then I liked to play tricks with my eyes. I remember girls being mean and making me cry and wanting to curl up and hide. Even then I knew trust shouldn’t be taken lightly. I remember struggling with math class and getting tutored and studying extra hard and barely making it through. Even then I knew any challenge could be overcome with commitment. I remember getting my baby girl and learning what responsibility is all about. I remember falling in love and feeling how thrilling life can be. I remember trying to start a business and failing. Trying again. I remember crying. Feeling like dying. I remember choosing happiness. I know that a positive life is up to me, no matter what else happens.
There will be negativity. There will be times when there feels there’s no way out. There will be disaster beyond my control. This is life. Every blue sky God gives us has mans muck tangled beneath it…
But I choose to look beyond. I choose to take these few years of experience under my belt, and head full force into the future with nothing but passion and persistence and the playfulness of tricky eyes. The Good Light will guide me. Even through this misty morning…I see nothing but bright Light.
Happy Birthday, to me. Happy life I’ll continue to lead.
Kan - Beautiful as always.
Sheila - Happy Birthday!!! I am LOVING the sync between the email blast and the blog post. Awesome.