So many of you have asked about my trip to Italy earlier this summer, and I feel it’s best to just tell you in photo form. Thousands of words, frame by frame. Better than my fingers on this keyboard could do! I’ll start with the first full day in my dear Italia. Some of these were taken with my iPhone, so, there’s also that.
We were up early, Liz and I, as we had just a few hours in Rome before getting on a train to Florence. We had both been to Rome, me on multiple occasions, so we wanted to explore a different city in the days leading up to the wedding. Naturally, we started with cappuccinos…
Then we took a little stroll south to Campo di Fiori, where the most charming street market is set up every day. We grabbed some cheese and produce for snacking later…
And all the herbs, oils and spices…
A lovely woman in a floppy hat was painting in the middle of the square. Of course.
Liz needed a nap. She’s going to hate me for this. But I love that shot.
And all I needed was some more espresso. And some homemade gum drops along with it? Uh, OKAY.
We walked along the river while we waited for Adam to arrive…
Then took to meandering the beautiful streets again before and after an incredible meal.
I love you, Firenze! Thanks for a great first evening. And thanks to Liz and Adam for being delightful buddies that first day. Love you both.