Way too often this life of ours throws us fast pitches and curve balls and rain delays and straight up nasty storms that blow our game. But it’s important to keep the game face on, it’s important to stay ready to play ball.
This week the little love of my life got sick and I had to take her to the vet for a three day stay. A scary wild pitch, right? But I’ve remained calm. I’ve remained ready to rock the next inning.
Because life is fleeting. Moments are magical but magic is just a flash, a perception of reality that comes and goes so quickly we can’t possibly hold on for long. I realize every season must end and new seasons will begin, with new line ups and better big hitters. I know that my focus and my positive perceptions and my love for life can never be taken away if I choose them.
So I choose love. I choose happiness. I choose positive progression. I choose to keep swinging. And of course, I hope my little lady will be by my side for the next inning and the next game and beyond. She will be. She’s my MVP. But when this season ends, I’ll move on to the next. That’s just how the game goes. And I love the game, so I’m gonna keep on playing.
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Abbie - i’m just now finding out about this? on your blog no less! how is sweet princess chloe? i feel so bad that i didn’t even know 🙁 hope all is well my loves… let me know