Orange Attitudes for this Orange Photographer

This summer has been nonstop and insane and magical and overwhelming and loads of other things. I like to write with run-on sentences and extra adjectives. I love best friends and lots of work and flowers in my hair. I detest bruises and sunburns. I need time with my poodle and time by myself (which also = time with my poodle). I have a feeling that I might have found that elusive balance we all seek in life…

Positive energy is exploding and orange attitudes are attracting themselves to me. Music has been grooving me and people have been moving me and it’s not going to stop. Work is piling itself on me more and more and I can’t complain because I so much enjoy what I do. Summer time and the living’s easy? No way, but it’s so much fun!



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Photo by Elizabeth Zuluaga Photography.

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