I’ve been doing a lot of researching lately, lots of reading, lots of seeking, listening, learning and (hopefully!) growing. My journey is as most always, twofold: personal and professional. I’ve felt encouraged as I’ve been hit with inspiration left and right. It’s been so motivating!
Personally I’m working to develop my writing skills and working to purge out some of the excess in my life (with the exception of shoes, of course). I want to grow in the right areas, and create clutter free, clean space to do so. I’m working to achieve better balance and working how to manage conflict more effectively.
Professionally I’m focused on fine tuning my craft and figuring out how to better pull out of people who they truly are. I aim to better connect and consequently to achieve more honest and hopefully passionate portraiture. I’m working on a new sect of Lovato Images that will be radically different yet the same at heart.
What an exciting time! If inspiration is contagious, I hope it catches onto you too. Aaand because every post is better with a picture, here’s an image I shot this weekend during Shannon’s senior portraits, using a few new techniques I’ve picked up recently…
If you liked what you just saw here, sign up for The Picture of the Every Couple of Days. It’s an email I send out every couple of days with one image and a few words. It’s a nice refresher for your inbox, aiming only to keep your interest enthused and your inspiration engaged. Check out the most recent Picture of the Every Couple of Days here.