A Push and a Pull and a Cry and a Whisper

Wedding Photographers Fun Creative Shoot in Red Rock

As an artist, I often get the itch. It’s not quite an itch though, not really a tickle either…I guess it’s somewhere between tummy flutters and a small ache in the chest. It’s a push and a pull and a cry and a whisper that calls to go create. I’ve been feeling that a lot lately and I’m thankful I’ve been able to carve out some time to respond.

A few months back a couple artists and I headed out to the auburn hills of Red Rock, NV for our own creation station. I loaded up some film and inhaled deeply as the light spilled over the land into our lenses. This is what it’s all about, I thought to myself. Friends, nature, cameras, Light…life. When we’ve got it this good, how can we not jump up with an awesome answer?


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