Seek Your Treasure, Expand Your Horizons

It is New Year’s Day. A new year. A new chapter. A new chance to do something we’ve so longed to do.

As an American people, we are constantly reminded of progress. Moving forward. Somehow inching closer to that intrinsic American dream. With New Year’s Resolutions. Goals. New phases. Turning of pages. We implement these phrases into this season, because that is what we are supposed to do.

But what do you want to do? Do you really want to change that? Do you really want to accomplish that? Or do you say so because you think you should? I know I’m guilty of doing a lot not because I want to, but because I feel like I should.

I say, do what you want this year. If you’re not quite sure what that is, take some time to figure it out. There’s no need to make resolutions if they’re not backed 100% by all you are.

Identify your greatest desires this year. Seek your treasure. Expand your horizons. Find more kindness in your heart. Give, and give it with all you’ve got. Then figure out that something that you really want to do, and do it.


natural light photographyPINME

downtown Los Angeles on the horizon, Dec. 14, 2012

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