“Reading is a means of thinking with another person’s mind; it forces you to stretch your own.” – Charles Scribner
I have always loved reading. When I was a kid, it was any fiction I could get my hands on. When I was in college, it was anything American Studies had to offer or anything else my professors didn’t assign. Now that I’m older and focused on building a business and a life for myself, the topics of my readings have changed dramatically. Now all this I-love-readingness isn’t to say that I read all the time. I go through spurts of non-reading. Just like my non-gyming spurts. Anyway, I’ll have to do a ‘Books I’ve Read and You Should too’ post one of these days…
Nowadays, I’m also an active blog reader. There is so much good content out there, some mediocre musings, but mainly, it’s a window into the ideas and experiences of other people. What a way to connect!
I read the quote above on a blog this morning and was inspired. Wanted to (hopefully) pass it on…