the transformation the search creates

Humans are alive for the purpose of journey, a kind of three-act structure. They are born and spend several years discovering themselves and the world, then plod through a long middle in which they are compelled to search for a mate and reproduce and also create stability out of natural instability, and then they find themselves at an ending that seems to be designed for reflection… we [are essentially] designed to search for and find something. And he wondered out loud if the point wasn’t the search but the transformation the search creates.‘ -Donald Miller

I believe reflection is for all ages and stages and transformation for good is the purpose. It’s my purpose anyway.

When I travel to new lands, I’m able to let go of stability and let myself get comfortable uncertainty. I’m constantly searching in new ways. Where will we sleep? What will we eat? What will we do? How will we communicate? I’m constantly transforming from my norm. Sometimes I get lost. Sometimes I get sick. Most times I get dirty. Most times I just don’t know. And I let myself be okay with that.

For within the unknown, there is realization. For beyond the knowledge, there is growth. For in all the searching, there is transformation. And I’m wonderfully okay with that.

destination wedding photography www.lovatoimages.comPINME

shot in Granada, Nicaragua, March 16, 2011

Lovato Images office back in business. If we haven’t responded to your call/email yet, we will do so soon.

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