Win Dinner for Four at Haven Gastropub!

Win Dinner for Four at Haven Gastropub in Orange!!! Send Lovato Images a referral this month and get entered for this great give away.

Orange Portrait PhotographerPINME

As a business that is based primarily on referrals from great people like you, we decided to do something awesome to thank you for spreading the Lovato Images love. So for sharing the Lovato Images name with others this May, we’d like to share something in return. And dinner for four at a fab restaurant is right up our alley…right? Right!

Here are a few things to listen for to easily refer [your favorite] photographer to your friends:

1. “My daughter/he/she/we just got engaged!”

2. “My son/daughter is graduating next month [and we need senior portraits]!”

3. “I need a headshot” or “I’m on LinkedIn [and probably need a headshot].”

…after all of which you respond, “I know a great photographer…!”

You can also refer your friends with new cameras to our beginner’s photography class, Camera Basics, on May 20.


Wedding Photography ImagesPINME

Contest runs May 1-May 31 and referral inquiries must book to be eligible. Don’t worry, we always ask how they got the Lovato Images name. You’ll be notified by email once you’ve been entered. Multiple referrals/entries totally allowed! And in advance, thanks!



If you liked what you just saw here, sign up for The Picture of the Every Couple of Days. It’s an email I send out every couple of days with one image and a few words. It’s a nice refresher for your inbox, aiming only to keep your interest enthused and your inspiration engaged. Check out the most recent Picture of the Every Couple of Days here.


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