The start of something wonderful
The history that your unborn children will see and hear
The crack in your voice during the vows
The speech from a proud father
The break dancing that your high school buddies do after dinner
The dance you share with grandpa…
The living memory of a beloved family member
A message from long ago…
Video once was a curiosity and oftentimes a luxury. Now, video is an established must-have for the bride that truly honors her own memories, and those of her family old and new. If you have ever thought that you just can’t afford to have a wedding film, I will be the first to tell you that you can’t afford NOT to have one. When it comes down to it, your photos and wedding film are the only insurance that your wedding day will never be forgotten. And only one of those records the sights and sounds.
As a photographer, I understand and appreciate the value of a good wedding videographer and creative film from your special day. I hope that you can too.
At Lanie and Daniel’s wedding this past January, a beautiful (trailer of a) wedding film by Mission Visual…
Pasadena Wedding – Lanie + Daniel from Mission Visual on Vimeo.
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