As mentioned in my previous post, words can’t describe all the love and awesomeness that went into Dave and Nicole’s wedding weekend in Tahoe last month. Dave and Nicole are just a really special couple and the family and friends that surround them and support their love are a group that I hope to know and be a part of forever. Their wedding experience was one I’ll never forget feeling, and my cup overfloweth with Goodness from all that it was.
For now, I’ll let the lyrics from their first dance do the talking, along with some images…
Give me little drink from your loving cup
Just one drink and I’ll fall down drunk
I feel so humble with you tonight,
just sitting in front of the fire
See your face shining in the flame,
feel your mouth kissing me again
What a beautiful buzz,
what a beautiful love!
Heather Hohenstein - Wow!!!! So beautiful!!!! Best time ever! xo
Rooz - dude. you effing crushed it.
Robb Davidson - hahahaaaaa!!! This is fantastic!! Super sharp shots, GREAT couple to shoot! Wow, just an amazing day! You got way too much good stuff in one day. I think there’s a law against that. Great work!!!!