Last fall I headed out to Chicago and shot Julia and Matt’s wedding with the uber awesome Robb Davidson Photography. The day was a bluster of emotions: laughter, nostalgia, pride, promise and pure happiness. I had never met this couple but fell in love with them right from the start.
And it started with strong family ties in the girls room where Julia hung out with her sisters and mom, doing what they [still] love to do: color in coloring books. With a champagne back, of course. Julia was so relaxed and so full of love all day; you could really see her free spirit shine.
Over at Matt’s parents house where the guys were ‘getting ready’ (which, in guys terms, translates to, hanging out), the atmosphere was similar. Matt was relaxed too, but he walked with an air of assurance, of strength. He is, after all, a Marine. His dad leaned over to me as Matt was putting on his uniform coat and with tears in his eyes said ‘You’ll never find a man more solid than that.’
And tears came to our eyes throughout the day as we documented the celebration of two childhood friends coming together in holy matrimony. That’s right, Julia and Matt went to the same grade school at St. Irene, next door to their family’s church. So everyone was so happy and honored for this union to finally commence. It truly was beautiful and I was so thankful to play a part in such a special day.
For more image awesomeness, check out Robb’s amazing view of the day here. I included one of his headshots of Julia in this post because he showed me up. 🙂 Same with all the details…why even shoot them when the Robbmaster has it covered…
Robb, makin’ a beautiful situation even more beautiful…
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