Autumn and Jeremy’s Oregon Woods Wedding

Destination Wedding in Oregon

We awoke to birds singing in the distance and crisp air rustling in the trees. The sun danced gently between the branches, kissing the fresh ground beneath us, whispering, “It’s time to wake up now. Today’s the day.” We slowly emerged from our cabins and tents to get ready.

Jeremy and Autumn went through the motions. Coffee. Shower. Suit. Make-up. Tie. Gown. It seemed surreal that all the work they had put in was over with, and their wedding day had finally come. It was a race to the finish line, the walk down that aisle, and when that moment came, everything else melted away. Their eyes locked. Their heart rates tempered. Together forever started now.

And for the rest of us, the start of Mr. and Mrs. Bizon was a celebration we’ll never forget. We admired the details, savored the dinner and loved laughing and dancing as the day turned into night. It was a destination wedding in the Oregon woods that we would relive again and again if we could. Thank God for photos…



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