Abbie and Zach make it official at the Driftwood

Vero Beach Wedding

Abbie and Zach have a special connection with The Driftwood and as I sit here at their table, I can’t break away long enough to explain it.

They are the most deep and unique couple I’ve known in a long time. And even that, takes longer than this warm and wonderful night has to lend.

Here are a few shots to share a segment of the story for now. More to come…

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  • December 14, 2014 - 9:01 am

    Abigail - There are no words that could describe how incredible that night was, how amazing it is to have YOU as my bestest friend, nor how fabulous the pictures thus far have turned out!!! Shooting with you again made me feel so beautiful for the first time in a long time! Your light bursts through you, through your camera and through your subjects and creates magic in everything you do.
    Love you J…

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