I made a goal this year to do one blog post every month (so, 12 are comin’!) to share some inspirational information. Not sure how it’ll be thrown atcha just yet, but to start, I want to share the name and work of one man: Chase Jarvis.
He’s a brilliant photographer and progressionist (that’s totally a word, even if I just made it up; it’s not just a word, but THEE word for 2012!) whose work and words are constantly keeping me on my creative toes and urging me towards growth. You may have heard me quote him before, as his line is one of my favorites that I carry with me daily: “The best camera is the one that’s with you.”
I was just forwarded a recent ‘Chase Jarvis Live’ episode (thanks @rinkumathew !) that really made me think and get excited to push towards some new growth this year. His ideas and progressional (another new word, mhm) pushes might not be for everyone, but he’s worth checking out. Take a peek at his work and get inspired today.
*big ups to Mr. Fick for inspiring this post AND the whole concept of inspiration posts. enjoyed our coffee sesh! hope you’re enjoying your canvas!
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