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Do ya’ll remember the guest post by the fabulous Robb Davidson Photography we featured a few weeks back? About the REAL competitor in the wedding photography business and how to handle it?

Welp, I sure do. I remember it every wedding I work because I see them everywhere. Now, I’m not the competitive type really, and you’ll never see me elbowing a guest out of the way because I’m feeling threatened, but you WILL see your guests’ heads in our images.

Check out this quick clip I pulled from a wedding I shot a few weeks back at the Laguna Cliffs Marriott. I was shooting video, and with video it can be even tougher because you can’t just move and take a new shot (sometimes you can’t do that with photo either). I was filming the ceremony on a tripod and the whole sequence of thee kiss is ruined because a guest wanted to get a quick picture for herself.

Please take this into consideration when planning your wedding and ask your guests to refrain from taking pictures during the ceremony. The quality of YOUR wedding photos is at stake. Not your guests. Help us help you. We wanna do what you hired us to do.

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