Orange County Wedding Images | Creative Photography & Expansion

I am a photographer. This means, photographs, or stills. But as a photographer and as an artist, I work to expand my creative contribution as much as I possibly can. So a few years ago when uber awesome Mike McCaleb of Mission Visual asked if I could shoot video [for a special wedding where a female shooter was required], I jumped right in head first.

And wow I love shooting video! It’s taught me so much about shooting stills and so much about composition and about seeking creative captures at every moment. I’ve been shooting video on the side for about two years now and jump in as often as I can.

Check out this clip from a wedding I shot with Mission Visual last year at Rancho Las Lomas. The super fly Viviana Salva of Bella Notte Events planned every detail perfectly and we had a blast rocking out with DJ Tasos of LSM Entertainment. Michelle and Scott were a great couple to work with, with such a great team of vendors!



8MM 16MM Demo Reel – Rancho Las Lomas from Mission Visual on Vimeo.

If you liked what you just saw here, sign up for The Picture of the Every Couple of Days. It’s an email I send out every couple of days with one image and a few words. It’s a nice refresher for your inbox, aiming only to keep your interest enthused and your inspiration engaged. Check out the most recent Picture of the Every Couple of Days here.

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