Robb Davidson is a stand up guy. Robb Davidson is the give-you-the-shirt-off-his-back type of guy. Robb Davidson is awesome. Robb Davidson is real. Robb Davidson understands that life is all about helping others. His light shines bright from deep within and he shares it as much as he can.
He’s the type of guy to drop whatever he’s doing to answer a call because he thinks you might need his help. He’s the type of guy that offers to lend you his laptop because he’s not using it and knows you need it. He’s the type of guy to take the sunglasses off his face to give you because he notices you’re squinting. He’s the type of guy that travels 20 minutes out of his way to pick up an inexperienced African refugee to pay him to assist on a shoot because he knows the guy needs work…and a chance.
It’s people like Robb that make me believe in The Good. It’s people like Robb that make me think this world really is a good place.
Robb and his almost as equally awesome roommate Brady put me up this weekend while I was in Chi-town area to shoot a wedding and I’m super thankful. Thankful for the super kind hospitality. But mostly thankful that I know such a straight up, honest, kind, genuine human being like Robb.
Keep tabs on him. His humor and personality are hilarious. Put him on your radar. His work is outstanding. Follow him. His positive energy is unceasingly contagious. More of us should be more like him.