I think it’s easy to look at all the fluff and fantasy through social media these days and experience feelings of self doubt. In a world where everyone’s highlight reel fills your feed constantly, it’s easy to make comparisons. It’s easy to feel like you’re not good enough.

You may puff up and you may pretend like you’re doing great and share your highlights to make it seem so as well. But behind the virtual masks we often feel like failures, inadequate, and nowhere near as successful as everyone else with more followers seems to be.

As my dear friend recently said, it’s a bunch of hooey. We need to focus on our selves and our circles more, and the world that seems to be watching, less. Social media is great in so many ways, but it shouldn’t distract you from what’s really important. Personally, I need to spend more time on me, my people and my art.

So I’m seeking innovation and insight through life that unfolds in front of me. I’ll be at my desk most days with my computer and phone in face. There’s no way around that. But I’ll also be stepping away, picking up the camera more and engaging with others most. Because as Van Gogh said, there really is nothing more truly artistic than to love people. And when you’re loving, you’re the best that you can be. No engagement rate can compare to that.



Photo by @julieunleashed

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  • January 12, 2018 - 6:33 pm

    Tracey Clark - I love your perspective, Jackie! I’m glad our paths have crossed at SOCO. : )

Wow the last six months have been insane[ly good]! I am notorious for taking on more than I can chew, and somehow learning to chew it as I go. Well, Lovato Images hit it hard this summer and between running it + teaching + getting a degree of my own, I’ve been a (happily) busy bee. I realize haven’t blogged since July…forgive me.

It’s been great and I’m happy to say I have been able to maintain balance through it all. That’s what it’s all about right?

A couple weeks ago I was interviewed+photographed by the designer from Kestan, Stephanie. She features business owners on her blog every month and I was honored to be asked to be featured. THANK YOU for the amazing words and photos, Stephanie! Go to Kestan Community to check it out. Cruise around her site and shop while you’re at it too. Her stuff is lovely. Stephanie’s a young business owner/entrepreneur herself and I can’t WAIT to see her grow in the years to come.


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  • December 13, 2017 - 9:03 pm

    Carie - You are the bee’s knees & a true inspiration. And you look fantastic in these designs. Excellent touch with the black fish nets. I would love the wine colored dress, I’d look great in that, ha!

There’s something to be said about this whole superpower we photographers hold in ‘freezing time.’ I mean really, I don’t know who benefits more from this capability, you the ones in moments with your loved ones captured to savor forever, or me the one behind the lens, humbled by the edifying task of helping make parts of your lives last.

Life flies by so fast you know. If we don’t stop once in awhile to appreciate it, relish in it, and remember it…we’re going to miss it. I’m here to help in that necessary undertaking with my camera. You experience/love/live. I’ll document.

Honored to have documented some of the first moments of this sweet little thing’s newness of living…let’s just stare at her for awhile and delight in her loveliness…k? K.


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Many years ago at this point, two young dreamers formed a friendship, and eventually fell in love. She moved away from her family, friends and everything she’d ever known to be by his side, while he served our country in the navy. They got married. They worked hard. They decided to pursue those dreams and build a life together.

It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t always fun. They sacrificed a lot and definitely paid their fair share of dues.

Some eight years and counting later, I think it’s safe to say they’ve arrived. Unfortunately it’s as they go…my cousin Courtney and her husband (also my cousin:)) Stephen take off tomorrow to Denver, where they’ll both start their shiny new jobs and move into their first purchased home. Courtney and Stephen: I’m so damn proud of you. You aren’t just dreamers, you’re do-ers, and smart, fun, honest and full of integrity while you’re at it. I want to be like you when I grow up. 😉 Guess I’ll just have to come out to Denvy to study your awesomeness in the years to come.

Love you guys. Godspeed.

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Katie and Marcus are expecting the newest edition to their family in a few short weeks. Before she makes her debut, we met at Oak Canyon Nature Center in Anaheim Hills for their last family sesh as three. Savor these last moments, little Jayden! Your sister is gonna show you a whole new world!

Meanwhile, I’m [im]patiently waiting for my nephew to make his entrance. My brother and his wifey are expecting him any day now and I can’t wait!!! Get ready for some little Lovato awesomeness to be filling my feed! The Lovato world is about to be rocked!

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