Daily Doses of Her Awesomeness | Boudoir Photos

Men are visual creatures. This, we know. And as much as I am a proponent of a woman’s personal growth and confidence, I know how valuable it is for a man to have a beautiful image of his woman.

::insert Lovato Images boudoir photos advertisement here::

So Kia wanted to do something special for her husband, Chad. It is their 9 year anniversary after all. Kia had already inquired about a boudoir shoot for herself seven months ago, however, she knew it’d be an amazing gift for her husband. They’ve been together for 14 years (married for 9) and he’s seen his wife through it all, but there’s nothing like that saucy Lovato Images Light. 🙂 So we got together a few weeks ago to create some boudoir pictures unlike any he’s ever seen. Because even though Chad already has a beautiful image of his Kia, these boudoir photos are a tangible keepsake that will hang on their walls for daily doses of her awesomeness. 😛

Happy anniversary Chad and Kia. May you celebrate many more years together.



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