Sometimes you get inspired by the sweet sound of a single voice. Sometimes you get lifted by the depth of a few simple words. Sometimes you get motivated to live a richer life, just by witnessing the richness of real love.
With Dawn and Hawkes, it’s all of that and more. Time with these two is a lot like their music: fun, full, honest, effortless and so rich in love, you’re high for days.
I was fortunate to host the pair during their recent soCal tour. We skipped down to Laguna one bright afternoon to soak up some soCal sun and breathe in the salty fresh air. As we were walking out the door, I asked if they were bringing their guitars. Miranda replied with hesitation, saying all their pictures are with their guitars. “I want some of just us,” she said.
Well here you are, Dawn and Hawkes. Eighty-six moments of awesome, no guitars, some fun, lots of love, and just us.
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