Lauren and Anthony Family Portraits

Lauren and Anthony bought a house! After three years of renting, they have a place to call their own. And after three years of marriage, the young family was ready to do a portrait session; their first since their wedding.

So naturally, I thought it was a great idea when Lauren suggested we start our shoot at their new place. I met them after Anthony got off work and we skipped around their ‘hood as the soft fall light covered us with dramatic coat of loveliness.

The cool October air made me feel extra cozy as we wandered around their neighborhood. The fading fall light put a bounce in my step as we worked quickly to beat the arrival of evening. The tiny wagging tail that met me at their door and saw me off before I left offered a sweetness that had me counting all the brownie points my work constantly provides to my life.

Then add in an extra surprise session tagged onto the end of another awesome shoot…and the brownie bowl is overflowing again…


Thanks, Lauren, Anthony and Bubba!!

Orange Portrait Photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

Orange Portrait Photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

Orange Portrait Photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

Orange Portrait Photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

Orange Portrait Photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

Orange Portrait Photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

Orange Portrait Photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

Orange Portrait Photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

Orange Portrait Photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

Orange Portrait Photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

Orange Portrait Photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

Orange Portrait Photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

Orange Portrait Photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

Orange Portrait Photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

Orange Portrait Photographer www.lovatoimages.comPINME

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