FOCUS on lending a hand…

Two weeks ago I met up with some members of FOCUS Orange County to document an event they held in Anaheim. I didn’t know much about any of it as I drove up, but quickly learned what a wonderful focus it had.

The FOCUS mission is: as an expression of Christ’s love, FOCUS North America serves the hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick and imprisoned by providing Food, Occupation, Clothing, Understanding, and Shelter. And at this event, that’s exactly what they did.

There were free vaccines, health exams, food, clothes, toys, games, transitional living opportunities and lots people with open arms. Everyone had a lot of fun and a lot of people got treatment and care they otherwise might never had.

So it was a complete joy to document. After going on a medical mission to Africa earlier this year, I realized, you don’t have to have a special skill to help out. Just reach out. It’s amazing what just lending a simple hand can really do.

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