my friend called me last week and said ‘wanna go to home depot with me?’
i had some returns to do there, so i quickly agreed.
i returned my stuff. then we got a sledge hammer.
then we took it to a desk.
apparently we both had some rage we needed to get out. mainly it was just the desk that needed to be out.
now i have a ton of fire wood. anyone wanna come over for a bonfire?
kfinch - Love these pics! such a great silhouette!
Liz - I do! I do!!
aron - Lets burn some firewood damnit!
Tweets that mention Bonfire anyone? | Lovato Images blog -- - […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jackie Lovato, Jackie Lovato. Jackie Lovato said: i just took a sledge hammer to a desk. so…bonfire anyone? […]
Jackie - one bangin bonfire comin right up!