A few weeks ago I scooted up to Hollywood (early of course, to miss traffic and get in a fab little dinner date before!) to shoot Hugo’s 50th birthday party on the rooftop of the London West Hollywood Hotel. I know Hugo and his wife Irene from church and consequently knew plenty of their guests…including the ever fabulous mama and papa Lovato. So I was excited from the beginning to document an event with such an amazing group of people.
Then I arrived and the excitement quickly morphed into pure gratitude. Hugo and Irene are a gracious and generous couple who have worked hard throughout their lives to accomplish all they have. They are extremely blessed with a beautiful family, a dynamic support system through their friends and church family, solid work, a healthy home and an inner Light that always shines. I don’t even know them that well, but all of this was evident at their event. I was just surrounded by abundance and love.
Everybody had a fantastic time. The location was spectacular, the food was detailed and delicious, the music got people movin’ and the mood was just right. Seeing Hugo and Irene swing around together on the dance floor and laugh and joke with all of their best friends made me feel so thankful. Thankful for them and their gorgeous celebration of Hugo’s 50th year and their 20-some years together. Thankful that such deep and grounded happiness can be achieved. Thankful that I’m able to share such intimate moments of peoples lives through my work. But mostly thankful that I have such steadfast role models in my life. If I can have just a fraction of the bounty and beauty they have when I turn 50, I’ll be one happy camper.