Monday Musings

There are times when I feel low. There are times when I hurt. There are times when I cry.

This is life.

But then there are times when I feel excited. There are times when I rejoice. There are times when I laugh so hard it feels way too good to be true.

This is the beauty of life.

There are shadows and valleys and then there are peaks and ferry rides across Lago del Nicaragua. There are car crashes, and then there are free truck bed rides that save your feet a mile. There are memories that are so painful you want to forget, then there are memories you never want to let. Go.

This is the realness of life.

I am so unsure of so many things. But I am so on top of so many others. There is such certainty in my few years, I am honored and blessed to feel and understand all that I do. My faith has a fighting chance. And it’s winning.

This is grace.

We’re in this together, peeps. I’m trying to build my life and business. You’re trying to mold and shape yours. I’m working on positivity and possibility. You’re smiling too and taking advantage of your open doors. Let’s look in the mirror once in awhile and reflect. But let’s remember to look out our windows every day and do the same.

orange portraits www.lovatoimages.comPINME

self portrait. Orange, CA. 03/28/11

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  • April 5, 2011 - 5:20 pm

    Kan - So poetic and touching Miss J. Love you!

  • April 10, 2011 - 11:36 pm

    rinku mathew - Poignant reflections, Jackie. But I love the picture even more. Very beautiful.

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