Katelyn and Darius had a friggin fantastic engagement party last weekend. Their families* and closest friends gathered in San Clemente to honor and celebrate the couple’s commitment to one another. “May you two be blessed with the beautiful romance that your mother and I have shared throughout our marriage,” Darius’ dad said while the room raised their glasses for a toast. So sweet. So fab.
So though Kate and Dar didn’t officially hire me to shoot the event, I brought my camera and photographed anyway. This was such a lovely party I wasn’t going to miss out on the photo pop! But it was interesting to be a guest and a shooter as the focus shifts back and forth all night. Example, I was constantly hiding my drink in this corner or that so I could walk around and shoot a few. Then I didn’t shoot as much as I normally do because I was busy chatting, yo! I had fun no doubt, and would do it again for sure. But the fact remains that, I have most fun as the official photographer. I don’t need to be an official guest to officially enjoy a rad party. I enjoy events most fully through my lens. So keep that in mind next time you’re afraid to ask me to shoot something. Okay, Kath? 😉
Cheers to Katelyn and Darius!
*Fun Fact! I had met most of Katelyn’s family before not because I’ve known her for years and have been to family parties and that kinda stuff, but rather because, we are all Fenians fans and I had met most of them at shows over the years. Hah!
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