Today my parents celebrate 36 years of marriage and I have to take this opportunity to reflect on marriage as I’ve come to understand it.
My parents will be the first to tell you that marriage is the hardest thing they’ve ever done (besides raising their crazy kids of course). It’s a life long commitment that is challenging and trying beyond our wildest imaginations. But you choose your partner, keep the commitment and it can become the most rewarding relationship of all if you keep at it.
I’ve never really seen my parents’ marriage struggle. I know they’ve had their hard times as we all have, but they are such a solid pair, they continue together down every road no matter how rocky. They stand firm, side by side, and keep on keeping on. And usually it’s with a smile and a huge hug if you get close enough.
With that being said, I’m not saying you have to be as strong as they are (or seem to be). But what I am saying is keep pushing. My parents made a promise to one another 36 years ago and they keep at it every day. So much changes over the years and they’ve stuck it out together and have never stopped working on their relationship through it all. They both swear communication is the biggest key.
Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad. You two make it look so easy, and I know it’s not, but thank you for being such a beautiful example of what God’s love and grace can create and sustain.
pictured in Napa, September 2009
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