I’ve been supporting my friend Liz over the past few years as she’s been balancing the decision to build a photography business or to keep working for The Man. We went to college together and earned degrees but both felt devoid of any understanding or confidence in our desired craft after graduation. We both took different forks in the road as I started shooting (and have never looked back) while Liz started working outside of photography (and hasn’t been able to keep her focus forward). Until recently, that is. Last year she finally let go of all the comfort and routine and stability as a w2 employee and launched her business full time. Welcome to sole proprietorship, friend!
Liz and I are constantly chatting in our ‘virtual office’ (aka, g chat) as she builds her editing style, marketing plan, pricing structure, sales, services and everything between. It’s crazy starting from scratch but I’ve really enjoyed engaging with this beauty over the past few months as she’s pushed harder than ever towards her dream. It’s been a lovely progression to witness.
So obviously the girl needed some freshy head shots for her new website. So a few months back we got together and jammed out a sesh to show the world a little bit more of Liz, her fabulous personality and her gorgeous face. Isn’t that smile just radiant?! And those eyes? Dark and dreamsicley. Mmmm…
Love you, Liz. Keep building. Keep beautifying the world with your inner light. Don’t look back and keep pushing forward where you belong. I’ll be on the g watching you shine.
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sarah Rico - SUPER DUPER GORGEOUS of a SUPER DUPER GIRL! LOVE THEM! P.S. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your work and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you are friends with two of my favorite people…Miss Liz and Ms. Janene :). Thanks for sharing!