Boudoir Photos | Bare Moments in the Corner

We women are an interesting breed. We’re all so different, from the colors of our hair and the shades of our lips to the colors and shades of our attitudes and feelings. Yet we’re all so alike. So closely similar, we find ourselves judging one another for things that end up being reflections we see of ourselves. So diverse in so many ways, yet so simply the same.

When we bind together, we’re stronger than we are alone. But so often, so many of us select the solitude. We feel like the way we feel is the only way its ever been felt and that no one could possibly understand. But when we open ourselves up to new possibilities we gain strength from the strength of others and become powerful beyond our wildest imaginations. We can acknowledge unique situations, yet we’re far more capable when we tie them together.

The best is when we strip ourselves of the differences our differences create and sit together completely bare. Often it’s around a quiet kitchen table, or sometimes it’s in the corner of a loud bar. Often tears are shed and laughs are shared and sometimes no words are spoken at all. But the shades shift and colors combine and we sit with a knowledge that we’re in this together, and that the women surrounding us create in us a more solid woman than we ever could have been on our own. And it’s moments like that that make me proud to be part of this interesting breed.

Looking forward to some bare table moments in the corner tonight.


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  • April 27, 2012 - 9:18 am

    Larry Powell - Very sensual. I like it, you are a great artist!

  • April 27, 2012 - 11:14 am

    Abigail - You’ve done it again my sweet, beautiful, brilliant girl! Your words touched my soul, and made me miss you even more than I already do! I love you!!!

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