I am such a goal-oriented-to-do-list-maker-get-things-done-or-my-day’s-not-a-good-one type of girl. This is great in so many ways. However, this can also be conflicting.
I like to think I’m balanced. I like to think I get in enough play time to balance all the work time. But then if I play too much, or too many days in a row, I kick myself. I get down. I feel worthless. I feel like I’ve lost so much time that should have been spent working, developing, growing myself and my business and all the things that will propel me forward.
But then I think about all that I’ve done. All that I’ve experienced. And I’m humbled.
Yes, sitting in this yellow-walled-office has provided me ample opportunity to expand creatively, professionally, intellectually…but when I think about moving forward…I don’t think about all my time sitting here at this desk.
I think about riding on the back of a scooter through the streets of Phuket. I think about laying on a catwalk in a cabin in MN with my best friend. I think about the little lady who said I made her feel beautiful after taking her portrait. I think about the fun I share and the beauty that I see every day. And I begin to understand…that…it’s not how many things get checked off my list today. It’s about taking time to appreciate each and every moment, as fleeting as they might be.
Because those moments, that appreciation, that reflection…that’s where we move forward. That’s how we grow.
Liz - Thank you for the reminder my friend. I actually needed to hear that today. Love you.
Jackie - Thank YOU, Liz. I always feel better after our pep talk calls…I appreciate you.