May Your Memory Be Eternal

There is something about this work, this photography work of mine, that is deep and strong and forever. Yet somehow, this incredible something isn’t appreciated often enough.

It rests silently in the little black box that I hold in my hands nearly every day and manifests itself with every click of the shutter. It is the power that cameras and the people that use them have to transcend time and embrace eternity, one image at a time.

Images. Photographs. Pictures. As we create them, we freeze a moment in time and that moment becomes timeless. The intangible eternity, in our very own hands.

Keep them. Protect them. Share them. And they will last forever.

This clarity offers just a sliver of light in a moment of darkness…

The mother of the groom I photographed this past Saturday passed away last night after suffering a massive heart attack. I did not know her before the wedding. But I am honored to present her family with the last images of her ever taken. With these images, and with many others taken throughout her life, her memory will be eternal, in my heart and many others.

Rest in peace, Mrs. Nash. May your memory be eternal.

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