I’m just going to be

So it’s my birthday. And as the the dawn of yet another chapter brightens, I feel compelled to write something profound and poetic on the progression of my journey.

But sometimes I wonder, do I always have to be progressing? Do I really need to be so strongly pushing forward? Constantly moving towards something bigger and better?

Can’t I just be?

Sometimes I just want to sit and sip the sweetness. Sometimes I just want to lay and listen to the rain ripple. Sometimes I want to walk away from my tasks and my to-do’s and just be. I feel like I always feel like I need to get things done. I feel like I always feel like I need to be productive with my time. But time spent enjoying life is productive in its own right…right?

So. Today I will not feel badly if I don’t cross 15 things off my list. Today I will not feel bad if I don’t move forward with purpose and passion into the future. I will pause and reflect, but not feel bad about not having something profound to say about it. I will sip, lay and listen. Then I’ll put my dancing shoes on and move, but not towards anything. I’ll just enjoy the movement, and not worry about where my paths might lead.


Today is my birthday, and I’m just going to be.



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